War On Identity

Political correctness is an enforced mechanism to a cultural marxist narrative that seeks to destroy your identity.“ [1]

Exzerpt aus:

„…this is what we have to understand. They don’t plan to win the war on the battlefields of Iraq and Syria. They plan to win the war on the information battle space here. They execute at the political warfare level, targeting control, targeting control at decisionmaking to control narratives used to analyze and discuss events. (…). We are being controlled by narratives. The enemy’s main effort is a sustained strategic information campaign at the political warfare level. What is objective? To win the war by denying you the ability to identify him, thereby allowing him to control you. Political correctness is an enforced mechanism to a cultural marxist narrative that seeks to destroy your identity. …“

PH - 2018-04-25 - 2018-06-04 - 2020-01-18

[1] Source: http://unconstrainedanalytics.org/war-calm-storm  | Transcript of Stephen Coughlin Speech (pdf): http://unconstrainedanalytics.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Coughlin-Speech-6SEPT16.pdf | Stephen C. Coughlin (Bio): „…his responsibilities evolved into intelligence support to information operations and strategic communications from a targeting perspective. Other assignments included the Pentagon’s National Military Command Center, the National Military Joint Intelligence Center, and the National Security Council’s Interagency Perception Management Threat Panel before demobilizing in 2004. In 2006, Coughlin was sought out “by name” and requested to support the Joint Staff J2 in counterterror threat analysis as a lead consultant. In 2007, Coughlin was awarded a Master of Science of Strategic Intelligence from the Joint Military Intelligence College / Defense Intelligence Agency on the threat analysis aspects of Islamic law and related doctrines. As a Major in the United States Army (res.), Coughlin was later assigned to USCENTCOM where he served in both an intelligence and strategic communications / information operations role. He has since retired from the Reserves. Until recently, Coughlin also supported Irregular Warfare Support activities. Recognized as the Pentagon’s leading expert on Islamic law as it relates to national security, Coughlin was in demand as a lecturer at leading senior service staff institutions, including the National Defense University, the Army and Navy War Colleges, Marine Corps HQ-Quantico, the Joint Forces Staff College, and others, as well as at the FBI (the Counterterror and the Behavioral Analysis Units for example) and associated agencies and private sector groups. ...“  >  Stephen C. Coughlin (Bio) Source: http://unconstrainedanalytics.org/stephen-coughlin/


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Dieser Artikel wurde veröffentlicht am 04. Juni 2018 auf www.intrinsis.de unter ../START.html/2018/06/04/war-on-identity/

Dieser Artikel wurde erstmals veröffentlicht am 06. September 2016 auf unconstrainedanalytics.org > http://unconstrainedanalytics.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Coughlin-Speech-6SEPT16.pdf

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